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We meet students where they are, setting them up for success! We will make class level recommendations that allow for each student to reach their fullest potential and move with confidence into more advanced techniques.


Appropriate class placement will be at the discretion of the teacher or director after the student’s first class.  Placement will be determined by age and ability level.  The recommended age is based off of the students' age as of October 15. Dance is a learning process that builds on itself as the dancer grows and everyone will progress at their own pace.  It is common for many dancers to remain in the same levels for 2 or 3 years before moving ahead while some will advance more quickly.  All class sizes are limited to ensure every dancer gets what they need.



Combo Classes:  1 to 1.5 hour classes depending on age as of October 15 of the current season, designed for the younger students as an introduction to the different styles of dance – creative movement, ballet, tap, and jazz.


Twinkle Toes:  age 3

1 hour class.  Designed especially for your little ones with emphasis on song and dance, movement, gross motor skills, rhythm, ballet, tap and lots of fun!  This class will perform one dance in the recital.


Demi Dancers

    *Demi Dancer I, ages 4/5

    *Demi Dancer II, ages 5/6 

    *Demi Dancer III, ages 6/7

1 hour class.  This program is designed to introduce basic ballet and tap, concepts and terminology.  Begin work on the balance, coordination, poise and rhythm while having fun and building the foundations for future studies in dance. These classes will perform one dance (teacher's choice) in the recital.

Advanced Combo:

   *Advanced Combo I, age 7/8

   *Advanced Combo II, age 8/9 

1.5 hour class.  Continue building your foundations for ballet and tap and enhancing your musicality while adding the beginning fundamentals of jazz dance into your class.  Will perform both Ballet and Tap dances in the recital.

  *Advanced Combo Plus, age 9 and up

2.0 hour class covering ballet, tap, and jazz.  Three recital dances.


Single Subject Classes:  1 to 2 hour classes are by level, progressing with prior experience and teacher recommendation.


Ballet: As the foundation for many forms of dance, ballet training is an essential part of any type of dance.  Proper ballet training builds strength, poise, grace, flexibility, alignment and discipline, using various techniques through barre and center floor work.  At the more advanced levels, it is recommended to take several classes per week.  Pointe is an advanced form of ballet and requires the recommendation of the instructor.


Tap: Tap technique teaches the student the basic fundamentals of tap sounds, and steps leading to more advanced rhythms and syncopation.  Excellent for developing coordination of mind and body, tap helps to build a stronger perceptive sense of timing, phrasing and musicality.


Jazz:  Jazz is a stylized dance form frequently used in television, movies, videos and concert dance.  The classes include warm-ups, body isolations, across the floor work and technique.


Lyrical/Contemporary:  (a form of Jazz dance) draws on ballet and modern dance as a source of inspiration.  


Hip Hop:   Hip Hop classes offer structured form of street dance and funk to the latest hip hop and rap music.  This style of dance gives students freedom to express their individuality through creative, free-style dance movements as well as choreography.  Aerobic endurance and conditioning is a large part of the class and choreography.


Ballroom:  Ballroom dancing is usually done with partners but can absolutely be learned individually.  In class you will learn the various rhythms and movements that accompany the different Latin and Standard dances.


Teen and Adult Classes:  Teen and Adult classes are offered in Ballet, Jazz and Tap.  These are classes for beginner to intermediate levels for ages 13 and up. Classes are fun, social, and a great way to stay in shape!



    Afternoon and evenings



   Morning and early afternoon​



​9210 Wightman Road
 Suite 130
Gaithersburg, MD 20886




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