Tuition, Fees, and Policies
* 1.0 hour classes - $88/month
* 1.5 hour classes - $132.00
Sliding scale:
*after 3 hours of classes: $85/month/hour
*after 6 hours of classes: $80/month/hour
Tuition is divided into 10 equal payments per season, September through June. These payments are for tuition only.
First months' tuition payment is due at time of registration to hold your spot. Remaining payments are due the 1st of each month through June.
Monthly payments are determined by dividing the annual tuition (36 classes) into 10 even payments for convenience. Therefore; each payment is the same regardless of holidays, closings of any kind, days of class per month etc.
5% discount if tuition is paid in full at the time of registration.
5% discount on the lower rate(s) for 1st two siblings and parents, 10% discount on third or more.
Additional fees:
* $62.00 non-refundable registration fee, due with 1st months' tuition to hold your spot.
* $50.00 non-refundable costume deposit per costume, due November 15, 2024.
* $50.00 non-refundable costume balance per costume, due January 15, 2025.
Each class will have one costume except the Advanced Combo classes, Jazz/ Lyrical Combo class, and the Teen Ballet/Jazz Combo class; they will have two. The Advanced Combo Plus class will have 3. If you do not plan on participating in the annual recital you must let the office know in writing (email is fine) by November 1, 2024.
* $150.00 non-refundable performance fee per family, due April 15, 2025. This fee will include four tickets to the annual performance and digital access to the professionally recorded and edited recital.
Costume and performance fees subject to change based on restrictions and performance venue.
Upon registration online, all families are required to sign a waiver agreeing to all policies, releasing The Studio of Dance from liability for injuries or losses, and allowing the occasional publishing of marketing materials featuring our students.
If you do not register online, please visit the office to sign the waiver before your student attends their first class. Enrollment waivers must be signed before a student attends any classes.
Our tuition fees are non-refundable, with the following exception:
* Should The Studio be unable to accommodate your class choices due to schedule changes made by The Studio, your first payment will be refunded in full.
If The Studio is mandated by the government to physically close we will move to a virtual platform.
No refunds will be given if you are dropping a class and do not inform us in writing before the next months payment is due. Please inform the office in writing before the next payment is due if your student is dropping. We will continue to charge your account and the student will continue to be enrolled in the class until we have written notice on file in our office. An email is acceptable. There will be a late charge of $25 for tuition received after the 5th of any given month.
Costumes will be distributed at the end of April and throughout May. If any tuition or fees are unpaid, your student's costumes will not be sent home.
Account Information
Statements will be emailed to you before charges are posted to your account.
We must have a valid email address on file for correspondence from The Studio of Dance. Please consider adding both karendance@thestudiodirector.biz and karendance@verizon.net to your address book to avoid important notices and statements going to your spam or junk folder.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, checks and cash. You are welcome to place a debit or credit card on file for automatic payments (auto pay), in which case we will automatically charge the card on file on the due dates. If you select this option, you will still receive your account statement prior to payment as a courtesy to remind you that your account will be charged. New accounts are not on auto pay by default. Please contact The Studio if you are interested in auto pay.
Studio Conduct
Please let us know as soon as possible if there is to be an extended series of absences. We do offer the opportunity to make up missed classes.
Students are expected to be on time for class, and promptly picked up afterwards. While waiting for pick up students should remain inside. Please let us know by calling the office if you are unexpectedly detained and are running a few minutes late. Anyone after 10 minutes late, and we are not notified, for the second time and after will be charged $10 for every five minutes late.